Saline Infusion Sonograph

Saline infusion sonography (SIS) performed at our Los Angeles-area fertility clinics can effectively diagnose and evaluate abnormalities within the uterine cavity, including scarring of the uterine lining, uterine fibroids, and endometrial polyps. It can also be a valuable diagnostic tool for evaluating women who have had recurrent miscarriages. 

The Saline Infusion Sonography Process

SIS is usually performed at our Mexico or Beverly Hills office just after menstrual flow has stopped but before ovulation has begun. This procedure may cause only minor discomfort, if any, and is usually completed within 30 minutes.

Doctor performing saline infusion sonography procedure with ultrasound probe and catheter.

To begin SIS, the doctor will insert a speculum into the vagina and cleanse the cervix with an antiseptic solution. Next a small catheter is inserted through the cervical canal and an ultrasound probe is placed in the vagina. The doctor will force a sterile saline solution through the catheter and into the uterine cavity, enlarging the cavity to make any abnormalities or irregularities more visible on the ultrasound screen. The doctor will capture several images of the uterine area and ovaries to help him or her evaluate the health of these organs.

Ultrasound machine used for saline infusion sonography with gloves and equipment.

After SIS, patients may experience mild cramping and light spotting, and should refrain from intercourse for at least 48 hours. Saline infusion sonography performed at the Center for Reproductive Health & Gynecology in the Los Angeles area can help infertility doctors evaluate any abnormalities in the uterus that may create a hostile environment for implantation, preventing a successful and healthy pregnancy. If you would like to learn more about saline infusion sonography, contact a fertility specialist to schedule an informative consultation.